Radio in a blog
We interrupt this posting to bring you breaking news LOL! Few days ago I said I was going to try something new in this blog. It will be radio in a blog. Here goes but before that the name of the radio station is only direka-reka. Ok, good afternoon people. Enjoy your afternoon with us on Lepak FM Kafe Lepak till 4 pm later. 2 hours of international mix of music coupled with as usual a hot topic discussion. The topics today is of course yesterday’s Energy Day. Share your views with us thru phone 1230456 , SMS KAFE space your views to 33988, Lepak FM Twitter & also Facebook. Ok, we will be right back. 2.15 pm Lepak FM Stay tuned!
Commercial break
2.20 pm welcome back, you are still with Kafe Lepak on Lepak FM. Now, yesterday was Energy Day. What is so different about this year was the Energy Unit decided that petrol & diesel have to be sold at a commercial price. Which is obviously not the usual 50 cents plus or 30 cents plus per litre that we are so used to for decades. Prices shot up to almost $1/litre just for 1 day. SMS from 789. It says ‘mahal minyak semalam but aku mengagak filling jua pasal udah karing tank’. Thank you for the SMS. Its time for a song break but do keep you views coming. This is the latest song from 2PM, a Korean band with the title: Without U. Which brings another question in the mind of everyone. What if subsidies were removed for real? Hmm ….
Music break
2.40pm thank you for staying tune to us. We received tons of SMS, Facebook & Twitter replies, thanks appreciate your views. We shall read as much as possible as time permits. SMS from 914 says ‘1 day if no subsidi sakit kepala oh might as well use bicycle then if that day comes’
Facebook replies: ‘train will be popular at that time’, this reply from XXX is not suitable to be aired sorry about that, ‘people wouldn’t mind if oil price go up 1 or 2 cents’
Twitter replies: @abcpanas ‘extend ja 1 more wk then people can feel the effect of harga minyak naik’ @kopicais ‘we should carpool’
2.50pm Kafe Lepak will be right back don’t go away & keep your views coming in. Coming up on top of the hour the news, traffic updates, weather report & then we shall continue with our show here on Lepak FM Baik Punya Beb!
Commercial break, news, traffic update, weather report, song break
Time check its 3.05pm welcome back. 1 piece of news on this Energy Day captures my attention people who buy oil scold the petrol station attendant for their expensive fuel bill. Adakah patut? It’s not the attendant fault. The Energy Unit is trying to educate us & giving us a priceless ‘bitter’ experience of what if oil prices goes up 1 day for real permanently what would happen. We should be thankful that these subsidies are being provided by our government. While other countries are cutting back on subsidies, our government is still bearing the huge subsidies cost. Oil is a non-renewable resources and it’s increasingly difficult to extract oil even though there are abundant under the deep sea. If you go & fill up in KK or Miri, you will feel the pain of paying expensive price. Here you pay B$20+ for a full tank, there you probably pay after conversion B$30+. See the difference. It gets even worse in Singapore, UK, etc.
3.15 Its time for ’15 Non-Stop Hits’. 15 minutes of pure music no talk, no interruption & no commercial. Songs to be played include Super Junior Sorry Sorry, Justin Beiber Baby, Linkin Park What I Have Done. We will be back after that.
3.30 pm 98.6 fm this is Lepak FM More views on this topics.
A caller on the line: Why not really increase the oil price permanently by 10 cents & see the public reaction.
DJ: But the government say there is no plan to do so, but the minister in charge say it is a ‘bitter reality’ that have to be faced eventually. Good idea, thanks for the call. Next caller
Caller: ‘It’s high time for introduction of bicycle that can move as fast as cars’. Using pedal power & solar energy then it will be much environmentally friendly
DJ: Interesting idea, there are already electric cars, perhaps pedal powered cars are on the drawing board already, we don’t know. Thanks caller! 3.40pm we have to take a break for the prayers & shall be back after that.
15 minutes left on the show. Well I shall share my views on this. To the public I say be prepared for ‘bitter reality’, oil aren’t going to be 50 or 30 cents forever. To the government we thank you for the subsidies provided all these years & a ‘learning experience’ yesterday. Jam-packed petrol stations is a rare sight in Brunei unless its Hari Raya time but in countries like Malaysia the day before government increases fuel prices people throngs the stations. We have seen that kind of crowd in the station Saturdays & Sundays so are we going to see the scene again in the near future. That is remained to be seen. Thank you for all the views shared, those that are unable to be shared due to time constraints really sorry. Till then, I see you when I see you bye bye have a great afternoon. Coming up is the wacky duo of Chic & Doc who will make you laugh as you make your way back from work. Outta here!
P.S. People says between 18-21 is a transition period. The age of 19 comes with a transition aim!