Saturday, February 14, 2009

Enough I had it!

Oh my god, so many bad news lately! I hate to ramble bad news on a lovely Saturday nite aka Valentine's day. Let me summarise what bad news I have seen, 2 accidents had causes Seria bypass to be closed 2 times in 1 wk! As a result, Jalan tengah is badly congested! Yesterday, BB reported about a 26 yrs old woman being detained in Shanghai for trafficking drugs, as she was duped by an African man she knew on9. So many similar incidents, have occured previously but 'tak ada yg dijadikan iktibar'! Lastly, a teen,13 yrs old boy was a father of a baby while the mother was 15! Deepest condolences for the Buffalo air crash victims family, lets have a moment of silence. Bye and reflect 4 a moment

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