As I had said in my Cbox, I wont be posting as regular as previously. This is because now Im yr 2 uni student, and in other words lots of things to do.
Let Me start by wishing Muslims Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin. Seluruh keluarga blog ini ingin menyusun sepuluh jari dengan hati yang tulus ikhlas memohon maaf kepada pembaca-pembaca blog ini sekiranya ada posting yang samada sengaja atau tidak sengaja mengakibatkan kemarahan anda-anda semua
Walaupun Raya,ingatlah Raya adalalh merayakan kemenangan setelah menahan hawa nafsu selama 1 bulan. Jangan makan terlalu banyak tapak kuda walaupun ia sedap, LOL!
Next, Tanggal 31 bulan 8 57, negARA kita merdeka! Happy 54th Merdeka to Federation of Tanah Melayu. Please do not rock the boat of stability and our unity which have been inherited by us from our previous generation. We must berikrar to preserve it since it is a very expensive gift even more expensive than that $24 million dollar ring!
We have been independent for more than 54 year already but some people especially politicians and someone who claims themselves as new media team of a certain party, still thinks the world is only their small box. They need to open up their minds to be more liberal and stop the old politicking way of the 50s
Akhir kata, Walaupun Enjoy, Ingatlah Ada orang yang masih kekurangan & jangan tamak.orang tamak selalu rugi, this goes to those corrupt people