Playschool in Labuan - Miss Hong aka Pengutip Cukai Pintu. Why? Because she is the one who gives us the bill for cukai pintu on behalf of the land lot part owner, Uncle Tee. Sorry, teacher incase I made too much trouble for you tens of years ago, run outside into the park, wanted
Tadika Chee Hwa, Labuan - Just had studied here for 1 yr, then transferred to Brunei. Cant remembered name of the teachers but I do remember the class teacher name, Teacher Yong/Yang whatever
St. Michael's School, Seria (Primary 1 - Form 4 Sc) - Got to thank lots of teachers here, since SMS my place of study from Primary 1 till Form 4 Sc.
Primary - Cikgu Janessa Abdullah (Primary _ classteacher, English teacher, Primary 3 Pelajaran Am teacher), Cikgu Hasnah (Primary 1 Malay & Jawi teacher), Cikgu Siti (Primary Sivik teacher & Primary 4 Sejarah teacher, terima kasih Cikgu untuk belanja masa Darjah 4), Cikgu Mariam (Primary _ Malay & Pelajaran Am teacher), Angela Kuan (Maths teacher), Pauline Fong (Primary 2 classteacher & Pelajaran Am teacher), Cikgu Theresa (Primary 1 Maths teacher), Teacher Pauline Ngagkang (English, Science, class teacher Primary 6), Cikgu Rosmah (terima kasih Cikgu pasal bagi upah tolong belikan makanan), Cikgu Rosmayati Adnan, Cikgu Noridah Ishak, Mr Michael Yen (Computer Studies teacher in Primary, thanks for all the Football Series Easi recharge cards Sir), Nancy Thieng, Mrs Zita Chia, Mrs Helen Lim, Cikgu Mansor Alias, Mr Christopher Lo (PE teacher), Matron Jaya, Cikgu Lilizuraidah (thanks Cikgu for all the goodies) , Cikgu Jenny Marie, Cikgu Pengiran Ismail (terima kasih Cikgu kerana sudi menjadi Penjamin saya bila memohon keahlian perpustakaan DBP), Miss Yang Siew Foong (Primary 4 Maths & class teacher)
Secondary - Mr Leonardo Amo (Form 1-3 Geography teacher, Form 4 English & class teacher, thanks Sir for all the tips & basketball tips), Miss Amy Jayasuriya (thanks Teacher for helping me to take my prize from MOE), Teacher June Khoo (Chips is fish & chips, LOL!), Mr Timothy Lian (Form 1-2 History teacher, thanks Sir for all the Easicards), Mr Michael Nayagam (Form 3-4 Maths teacher, thanks Sir for that 'kind' statement on the Prize Giving Day), Mr Joseph Philip (Form 1 Science teacher, Form 2 Maths teacher, Form 4 A Maths & Physics teacher, Would you please go to your seat, LOL!), Cikgu Japar Bakar (Form 1-3 Malay teacher, terima kasih Cikgu kerana menyuruh aku, Paul & Jason ikut serta dalam Kuiz Kenali Tanahairku, kerana itu kami dapat membanggakan sekolah walaupun tak dapat kalahkan Maktab Sains), Mr Sunil Krishnan (Form 2-3 Science teacher, Form 4 Biology teacher, hmm cows tail drawing), Miss Yong Siaw Ping (Form 1 class & Maths teacher, 4 years Maths & POA Tuition teacher, thanks teacher for the fried ice-cream, had a really enjoyable tuition over the 4 yrs), Miss Juliana Sim (Form 1 Maths teacher), Mr Sajahan (Form 1 Computer Studies teacher), Cikgu Kula Angas (MIB teacher, terima kasih Cikgu kerana tolong ambil hadiah di MOE), Cikgu Harith Abdullah (Form 4 Malay & MIB teacher), Miss Manjula Chaurasia (Form 3 History teacher, thanks teacher for predicting the correct things for PMB), Teacher Yong Fung Choo (Form 2-3 Computer Studies teacher), Mr Kumar (Form 1 Commercial Studies teacher & Form 4 POA teacher)
St. Angela's School, Seria - Had studied partly in this school since Form 4 since we got to travel from SMS to SAS for Science classes.
Miss Maria (Form 5 class & Biology teacher, Teo drawing again ah), Cikgu Haji Ismail (Form 5 Malay cikgu), Mr Roman Padillo (Form 5 English teacher, thanks Sir for developing my basketball skills), Mrs Rani (Form 5 Maths teacher, Very high pitch), Mr AD Ismail (Form 4-5 Chemistry teacher, sorry Sir I broke so many test-tubes), Mr Lu (Form 5 A Maths, Accounting teacher, tuition teacher), Miss Carol (Form 5 Physics & tuition teacher, thanks Teacher for having such an enjoyable tuition sessions with Korean actors talk)
Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Ali, KB - My Pre-U place of studies. In a matter, of months I will leave SMSA with memories of it.
Pre U - Mrs Joan Cherian (Pre U H1 group tutor & GP tutor), Miss Tham (Pre U1 Maths tutor), Miss Tor (Pre U Maths tutor), Miss Emily Tan (Pre U Accounting tutor, thanks Teacher for collecting my gifts & connstant belanja for us at set 3), Mr Ayaz (Pre U1 Biz Studies tutor), Cikgu Rashidah (Pre U Biz Studies tutor)
Wohoo, what a long post about teachers and some History lessons. Oh yeah, I picked up these following sentences from some blog while bloghopping few days ago -its titled What if .......
What if I studied 4 hours a day and still cant get good grades, but some smart brads only studied 2 hours a day and still get good grades. Might as well, dont study even with long hours of study still cant get good grades!
This another quote from somewhere - School is not about knowledge you get from books but its also about learning how to interact with people
That's it for this post, will take a long break from blogging will be back October 3. Lastly, HAPPY TEACHERS for teachers whether you are at east or west