Thursday, April 30, 2009

The heat is on versi 2 & other crap stuff

These few days its getting scourching HOT! (panas eh). Even if the sun is not showing its 'spotlight', I am feeling very HOT. Yesterday, Borneo Bulletin had said that Brunei had been 'swirled' by heatwaves since early April. Ministry of Health had advised the people to drink more fluids, otherwise you will be on the way to the hospital in an ambulance kerana 'pengsan'. I think I need to get more H20 or other fluids in my body, otherwise I will be 'pengsan kepanasan'.
Post-prelim analysis
GP - As I have expected my P1 was satisfactory (2nd highest in P1). Hence, Mrs. Joan had asked me, Yick Siang, Fwuu Chyi & Neng Cong (the choosen ones) to do a detailed essay plan on the topic that we have choosen for the exam, and present it to the class on TUESDAY! However, I was NOT OPTIMISTIC on my P2, since I made a wrong choice of questions. Hopefully, I can achieve C grade. Overall, the tutor was not pleased with our results this time around, with 9 failures (for P1) when compared to previously with 2-3 failures only last year. She then later commented that we were not serious in our studies, dan lain2 yang segeng dengannya. She was expecting more, since set 2 was the best GP set among all sets since last year(this was said by her, not me). What more could we achieve, we have done our best, with the tough questions set.
Accounting - The result were within my expectations although, I am hoping to achieve more. Dont know if P2 or P4 'killed' my marks or its my best friend 'careless mistake'?
Ok thats about if for post-prelim analysis for now, I will continue in Saturday or next week
Today, we have a Fire Prevention talk from 2-4pm, but I 'escaped' because I am exhausted. Guess that I am starting to have usual Middle-of-the-nite insomnia. Tulah drink more Pearl Milk Tea & play with my mobile more againlah!From the looks, it seems that not only me was escaping. Its all common sense wah they say:'Kalau kebakaran cabut'. For not attending the worst case scenario is on Saturday, there will be annoucement which goes like this: Minta maaf, atas gangguan ini, diminta kepada ***********, PreU**** supaya dapat ke Bilik Disiplin/Pengetua sekarang juga, terima kasih. Takutlah saya! Kata orang: api kalau kecil dijadikan kawan, kalau besar boleh menjadi lawan
Yesterday, Tikah HL had shared with me a statement said by someone that really annoys me! Sorry, I cant share the statement here, kerana takut akan menyinggung perasaan rakan2 PreU2Sc & Humanities semua. To that person who said that statement: Eh wang, statementmu atu menyinggung perasaan kami orang Humanities ani wah. Tau kau, not all orang Humanities ani, dulu from Arts class, ada jua yang dari Science class because we choose this route! Kau atu baliklah cermin dirimu sendiri dulu sebelum mengata kami ini, maybe kau pun dari Humanities! Kami ni hanya insan biasa, yang akan buat kesilapan and we are not perfect! Ingatlah, the grass is not always greener at the other side
Ok, thats it, emo & mental ku ni udah no thanks to that da*n statement. That statement is so discriminatory and malicious like a malware. Kepada orang yang said that statement ingatlah bahawa 'what goes around comes around'. Signing off!

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