Thursday, May 28, 2009

1st blogaversary & Dumpling Festival

Selamat Hari Jadi to Ulang tahun pertama aku start blogging. Tak banyak perubahan yang dilakukan oleh saya selaku pemilik & administrator blog ini sepanjang 1 tahun penubuhan blog ini. Perubahan yang dilakukan hanya layout hitam jadi biru kemudian jadi putih with 3-column. Manakala outlook/viewpoint blog ini berkisar sekitar kehidupan harian saya, isu2 semasa dan lain2 coretan merapu yang terlalu banyak diungkapkan oleh saya. Di kesempatan ini juga, saya ingin memohon maaf dengan seikhlas2 hatinya jika ada post saya yang menyinggung perasaan sesiapa yang membaca blog ini. Saya juga ingin berterima kasih kepada rakan2 saya yang sudi melawat blog, membaca post & memberi komen di cbox blog saya. TERIMA KASIH! Sebagai penutup paragraph ini, diharap blog ini akan lebih popular macam Akademi Fantasia. LOL!
Today, the 28th of May 2009 or in Chinese Lunar calendar the 5th day in the 5th month, we celebrate Dumpling Festival/Duan Wu Jie. Yeah, makan kuih 'bak chang, 'kee chang, etc. And not forgetting, mandi di pantai! Its not just about that, there is story behind that tradition of makan 'chang' & mandi di pantai. Once upon a time .....
Duan Wu Jie is a widely celebrated festival amongst the Chinese, to pay respect to the patriotic poet, Qu Yuan (pronounced as Chue Yuan). The legend involves a really long and complicated throne-fighting war and political history. But to make a long story short: Qu Yuan was an important minister back in Chu Kingdom in ancient China. He had been known for his loyalty for the emperor of Chu, and loved his country greatly. However, His Majesty had not taken Qu Yuan's advice seriously, and he eventually got himself trapped and captured in a foreign land by his enemies, which then lead to his own death.
Sad and angry at the corrupted, dying Kingdom, Qu Yuan tied himself to a big rock and threw himself into the River of Puo Luo. The people then made rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves and threw them into the river. They believed this would stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. Some would even row down stream in a boat, beating drums and shouting out loud in the hope to scare the fish away (it was believed that it is how the Dragon Boat event is related to the festival. Since then, the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar has been set as Duan Wu Festival to remember the incident. Although there were versions of legends and stories that indicate Duan Wu has existed way before Qu Yuan's death, the tradition still carries on. The rice dumplings (ZongZi) are glutinous rice (or sticky rice in some countries like Thailand and Hong Kong) wrapped in bamboo leaves, or other large leaves (lotus is one of the more commonly used leaves). You can find all sorts of different fillings in the rice: pork, roast pork, chestnut, egg, salted egg, mushroom, red bean, or just simply without filling. They could be just white rice dumpling (not pre-fried), or brown (pre-fried with soya sauce). Nowadays, you can buy Zongzi almost everyday of the year, in restaurants or hawker stores in most oriental countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore, and other Asian countries where many Chinese reside.
Ok, close Duan Wu Jie story, later if I start to go deeper, people would be hungry drolling for their dinner or 'chang'!
the melody of a slow song is playing, a sombre mood is on the air! weeping
Parents Alert: Students beware, this Saturday between 2-4pm, the prosecutors (parents) and the judge (teachers) will decide whether you all will be sentenced or freed of all charges. ops, I am too over!
Another of my ex-teacher is leaving Brunei, Miss Maria (F5 class teacher & Biology teacher). Angie will be coordinating a surprise party for her next Sunday @ Ideal OGDC. I have been appointed her assistant. Wonder why, I am always involved in event organising? Could it be my future job as event manager bringing in artists like Britney or Super Junior to Brunei? We will see how it goes! On that day too, they planned to celebrate Mr Leo's birthday which falls on the next day i.e. 8th June. Her favourite quote to me is "Drawing again ah Teo". Yeah, my drawing sucks big time, so I guess thats why my Bio O Level is a barely pass (D) or its because my Paper 2. Anyway, thanks teacher for keeping on pushing me to improve my Bio, otherwise I wouldn't have passed my Bio O Level. Drawing, labelling, define, ........ ADH
AS Update
Accounting 2: I dont know what to say, even the Accounting tutors who were waiting outside the examination hall seems to be stunted by the actions of Cambridge to try to dethrone Brunei students as one of the best performer in Cambridge International Examinations. Well, I tell you Cambridge, I am not going to be fooled by your past tricks even though I am not optimistic.
This November however, we the students of Brunei will give you a hard time marking our A Level answer scripts as in excellent answers & as well as a run for our $200-400 hard cold cash. Right, Brunei students we can do it! Together, we can shock Cambridge and claim all the top honours in the world: Top in Maths, GP, Accounting, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Biz Studies, Economics, Geography.
Ok, that about it for now, it has been a tiring day, will try to chill a bit 2mrw. Bye!

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