Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The near future ahead

Selamat berpuasa for another day for Muslims in Brunei, as the Hakim Sharie Brunei have announced that, 'anak bulan Syawal' isnt sighted. Well what do you expect, today is a rainy Saturday with a short period of sunshine only, you cant be expecting to sight the 'new moon' which is micro in size in a cloudy & rainy day. But, who knows that even on a cloudy day also can sight the 'new moon', as its all in the hands of Allah. Kata orang: Kita hanya boleh merancang, tetapi Allah yg menentukan.

Im now in a very bad mood, as my future is like 'hanging on a cliffhanger' now! There are a few options for me though! Currently, Im waiting for my student pass to be processed by MOE, before Im allowed to stay till at least A Level had finished by the Immigation. But, after that date as of now I still had no idea what is ahead for me. Lets me share each option that I have.

Option 1
Find a Bruneian penjamin - According to the immigration, if I can find a Bruneian penjamin who can 'jamin' me to stay in Brunei, I will be able to stay in Brunei till perhaps January or February 2010. The problem is SIAPA MAHU JAMIN ANAK ANI YG INDA BRAPA PANDAI & RAJIN?
Option 2
Keep on renewing visit pass every 2 wks - This is a very good option indeed, I can 'balik kampung' & jaga kedai with my sepupu yg tunggu result SPM for 2 wks, then return to Brunei for 2 wks, then going through this routine balik-balik every 2 wks. But, the Immigration is not going to be happy if I keep on doing like this a few times, & I will be BANNED from entering BRUNEI! Plus, it more paperwork for immigration as well as money spend for me too!
Option 3
Part-time job - This is going to provide me with some hard cold cash to be earned & spend my holiday time productively. According to Employment Order 2009 (as if I know the law) , the only job that I can do as a PADI/foreigner is 'buruh kasar', 'pemotong rumput', 'supermarket work' & other odd jobs. Well, I must say office boy job or account assistant job is ok too looking at my situation, but they are only open for Bruneians saja. Thumbs up to the Brunei government, for 'mendahulukan orang lokal dalam peluang2 pekerjaan'!
Option 4
Voluntarily join PLKN for 3 months - According to my calculation, with this option I can fully use my 6 months holiday before I enter Uni, if I pass A Level that is. Tapi PLKN is latihan ketenteraan berkonsep 1Malaysia with Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Aslis, Ibans, Dusun, Murut, etc in 1 camp. There are a few modules in PLKN such as Kenegaraan, Ketahanan Diri, Kebajikan kot. It would be really FUN, minus the FUN if the coach is very strict, pasti setiap hari aku kena marah!
Option 5
Leave Brunei after 31 December 2009 - This is 1 of the worst pilihan that I have compared to the other 4 options, as I gotta leave Brunei which I had called 'home' for the past 12 years. I really will miss Brunei: its cheap stuffs, its people of course and the 'soil, 'pasir', LOL!
Change the scope, now. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO Detective RABBIT (bukan nama sebenar) which somehow got lost on its way to 'find Alice in the Wonderland', and found itself landing in Brunei as my best friend. Panjang umurnya, 18 tahun udah kita ustaz eh salah orang pandai yg bakal ke England lepas Raya! Saya sebagai seorang rakan yg baik (kononnya), mengucapkan selamat panjang umur, murah rezeki & sukses selalu, mungkin awak salah seorang Sultan Scholars in the future.
Talking about Sultan Scholars, His Majesty the Sultan had presented to 5 students Sultan Scholars for 2009-2010 academic session on Thursday.2 of them were from SMSA, namely Muhammad Ayyub Hj Kamaluddin (Ketua MPP 2007-2008) & Nur Amirah Ibarahim. Wohoo, congrats to SMSA & its tutors for producing so many brilliant students since the establishment of 6th Form in KB. For the record SMSA had 3 (including those awarded recently) of its ex-students had received the Sultan Scholar scholarship since its introduction in 2007. Sultan Scholars is one of the most prestigious scholarships in Brunei, which is awarded on the basis of merit & impartiality (dont care who you have 'connection' with or what is your race, I like this). So, for 2010-2011 I am predicting at least 1 student from SMSA will obtain Sultan Scholars. So, all the best SMSAians in the A Levels, do your best & you never know you may achieve it too!
This post is getting extremely LONG, so I need to close it with a greeting.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN Saya dengan ikhlas menyusun 10 jari memohon maaf jika ada silap & salah sepanjang saya mengendalikan blog ini dan juga jika ada tersilap bahasa or terkasar bahasa. Saya juga ingin meminta maaf dari rakan2 6th form di SMSA terutama yg PS set 1, kelas U2H1, Biz Studies set 5, Maths set 4, GP set 2, Accounting set 3 , jika ada silap & salah sepanjang tahun ini. MAAF YE!
Sekian, terima kasih jumpa lagi NEXT WEEK!
P.S. Tahun ni tak de iklan Petronas hasil Yasmin Ahmad yg amat ditunggu2. Tetapi karya2 beliau akan sentiasa diingati oleh rakyat Malaysia! 1 month, 3 month, 2 week that is the question for me now!

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