Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's day

Happy father's day to all fathers out there. Kata orang:syurga dibawah telapak kaki ibu, tetapi tanpa ayah, manalah mungkin kita akan dilahirkan untuk melihat dunia yg indah ini.
Since, the GP tutor had just migrated from the topics Health&Medicine, not long ago to Media&Advertising. Let me share a story that I have just read on weekendTODAY 20-21 June 2009 issue. Its about a dog(weird ai, Im talking about dog on a Sunday which is father's day, wait for a moment, while I finish my 'sandiwara'). Ever heard of a dog named Trakr, he is a life-saver dog that have led rescuers to the last survivor during the 911 incident on WTC. He just died in the month of April at the age of 16. However, his legacy will still be very much with us as from Trakr's DNA, his owner, James Symington who was also a former police handler, had got it cloned into 5 puppies. Last year, Symington won a competition dubbed as 'Golden Clone Giveaway' organised by California-based BioArts International. He beat 200 other entrants to win a cloning of his beloved dog with BioArts kindly throwing in extra 4 puppies. He proved that Trakr was the world's most 'cloneworthy' dog.In his winning essay Symington wrote that “once in a lifetime, a dog comes along that not only captures the hearts of all he touches but also plays a private role in history”. These 5 little puppies, could be life-savers in the future like their DNA dad. Right, enough of poochs stories later the felines would get me scratched for talking about their musuh ketat!
Another story that, I wish to share is from the HK drama that Im currently watching, Just Love 2. In a nutshell, the story plot from Just Love 1 goes like this: The father was a house-father, while the mother is a judge, the had a son named Ah B. The father was tied to marital contract, with lots of unreasonable terms, since he wants to be responsible for getting the mother whom he 'tak kenal' pregnant on a sking trip in Swiss. The father had sacrificed his career to take care of his son, and does most of the housework, as the 'lau po tai yan' didn't knew how to do housework.
Last story is from a Singapore movie, I Not Stupid Too(I am not stupid either, Im just kurang pandai). In 1 of the scene, it shows that the father tries to beg to each and every school in Singapore, to accept his son who was expelled from school due to an incident of hitting the teacher & also bringing XXX CDs to school. Another scene, shows that another father tries to beg the auntie whom necklace was 'ragut' by the son, to say that its him that curi the necklace & not the son. Lastly, when the police came, the policeman laughed, and the auntie told it was a misunderstanding, and she was taken to the police station for making a false report.
To all fathers out there who maybe a disciplinarian, the sole-breadwinner for the family, house-husband, etc. Happy Fathers Day
Selamat Berhujung Minggu & 4 those going on a trip to Turtle Conservation Centre & mangrove forest tour, enjoy your trip. Bye!
P.S. On Saturday, I dreamnt that I joined the E-Club trip to Pulau Selirong. Weird dream indeed!

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